Church History
In 1871, a group of 35 God-conscious and Christ-minded men and women organized the Holcomb Rock Baptist Church. A piece of land, part of the Cobbs’ farm, was given to the founders by Mr. Cabell Cobbs. As soon as the land was received, it was deeded to the church and recorded at Bedford County. Under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Moses Johnson and Rev. Albert Lowry, the site was later extended by the purchase of additional land from the Meriweather Estate. Several years later, another piece of land was bought which is now known as “the upper cemetery section”.
Mrs. Juda Smith was born in Bedford County about the year 1828. In the early days of her Christian life, she helped organize the church. She was most famously known her purchasing of the church’s first bible with money she obtained from farming with the help of her sons Layton, William, and Henry. Mrs. Smith served the church and maintained a faithful Christian life serving God until she was 103 years old.
Over the past nearly a century and a half, the church has elected 15 Pastors. All have passed before us like shadows and answered their final roll call to give account for the life they lived here. Their memory will stay forever in our church history. Some of those faithful Pastors were Rev. R.L. Thomas, Rev. J.A. Robinson, Rev. W.D. Johnson, Dr. J.H. Burks, Rev. H. Morris, Rev. S. Singleton, Rev. J. Davis, .and Rev. N.S. Walker.
In addition to the shepherds that led the church, the church has ordained over 30 deacons who were actively engaged in the work of the church. Alongside the pastors and deacons who served, many men and women have served the church in the capacity as trustee, deaconess, clerk, financial secretary, Sunday school superintendent, usher, musician, sexton, and many other committee members.
Elected to leadership in June 1942, our Pastor for 54 years, Rev. N.S. Walker, was a praying, faithful Christian soul. Under his administration, the church advanced spiritually and financially. The church grew with improvements and additions to the church building, beautification of the cemetery, raising of funds, establishment of clubs, growing of Christian education (Sunday school), choirs, and the care for the best interest of the church as never before.
Under Rev. Walkers leadership in 1970, plans were started to add a fellowship hall which included the addition of a kitchen, Sunday school classrooms, restrooms, and purchase of more land for future parking lot expansion. Still under Rev. Walkers leadership in 1990, the church completed another major remodel to the building which included the pastor’s study, choir room, additional restrooms, larger choir loft, baptismal pool, and a handicapped entrance. With all the renovations made to the church in addition to debts that have been accrued over time, the church was deemed debt free in December of 1992, and a mortgage burning service was held on May 2, 1993.
After the passing of Rev. Walkers, on August 31, 1997 the Rev. David Sebastian Stewart was installed as pastor of Holcomb Rock Baptist Church. Rev. Stewart faithfully served the lord as Pastor of the church for 22 years. Rev. Stewart started out with a bright outlook and many ideas for the church’s future. Pastor Stewart retired and now serves as Pastor Emeritus.
In March of 2023, Constance A. Wright was installed as the Pastor of Holcomb Rock, making history as the first female Pastor of the Church.
Today, Holcomb Rock Baptist Church, is remaining faithful to God’s call and will do so until the church of Jesus Christ is called home.